A Brief Review: The News of the World

Welcome back to ‘A Brief Review’ a series of brief reviews on films from the present day and all the way back in time. Hoping to filter through the commotion and give some decent reviews of some rather decent films.

The News of the World directed by Paul Greengrass, starring the legendary Tom Hanks is the perfect adventure film we never knew we needed right now. Captain Kidd (Tom Hanks) a civil war veteran makes a living by reading news stories to different folks from town to town in the American South. On his travels he finds an endangered young girl known as Johanna (Helena Zengel) and reluctantly agrees to take care of her, beginning a journey to return Johanna to her ‘home’. Johanna only speaks Kiowa and is initially scared about being under Captain Kidd’s protection. Their upbringing and cultural beliefs display them as polar opposites, but as their journey begins, they realise they aren’t so different after all. As they travel across the country at the mercy of the elements, the two face incredible encounters of both human and natural forces as Captain Kidd strives to find a home for Johanna. The News of the World is a simple story done exceptionally well, you won’t find any extraordinary nuances and twists, just a satisfying story done well.

At times, The News of the World can be considered slow, but I see this as part of its charm in a way. The slow pace allows the two vastly different characters to find common ground against all of the odds. Tom Hanks is outstanding as Captain Kidd, a reasonably good man who understands the importance of stories. With 1870’s post-civil war America plagued by racism, divided ideologies and devastating poverty, Captain Kidd provided much-needed optimism and a release from the devastating realities of life. Stories will always be relevant, whether you use them for information, comfort or joy, the ability to recite stories is art in it’s most simple form and it will never go out of fashion. What a shame we weren’t able to witness this particular story on the big screen!

The News of the World has all of the advantages of the western genre. Displaying the west as idyllic, brutal, and magnificent in it’s own right, all of this in a story where two vastly different characters go on a journey. The main plot relates to Captain Kidd and his search for Johanna’s home, but it is evident that the feeling of ‘home’ is something that Kidd is also searching for. You can feel his slight regret about never having children of his own when in the presence of Johanna’s pure innocence. This allows Kidd time for reflection as he realises, he has become somewhat of an isolated traveller in an everchanging world. Nevertheless, his inner pain is well hidden by his natural ability as a storyteller. He is a traditional entertainer with a strong talent for reading people, a skill he will utilise against all of the challenges that arise in his search for ‘home'.

Helena Zengel’s breakout role accompanied with Tom Hanks’ subtle class is perfect for the style in substance that The News of the World provides in large quantity. In fact, everyone involved with this film is certainly working at the top of their game. Whether it is the supporting characters who cleverly provide the film’s authenticity or the exceptional Tom Hanks and Helena Zengel who anchor the central adventure. Plus, everyone behind the camera, from the first sequence to the last, The News of the World is a film made with exceptional care.

As winter ends and summer begins in what is sure to be a more positive and productive year for everyone, The News of the World is the ideal Heart-Warming tale of love, family, and adventure as we look forward to better times in 2021.

My Rating: 7.6/10
